4 Kids hiking outside wearing regatta clothing

Outdoor Half Term Activity Ideas

Now that the kids have broken up for half term, they'll have plenty of time on their hands over the next few weeks. For a lot of parents, that'll often look like time spent indoors playing video games or watching their favourite shows instead of getting some fresh air outside. That's why we decided to create this list of outdoors things to do during half term, so you can get them out of the house as much as possible before the weather turns cold.

8 Outdoor Things to Do During Half Term

Camp in the Garden

If the weather’s kind – why not arrange a night out under the stars by camping in the back garden? All you need is a small tent, some snacks, some duvets and blankets to make a cosy sleeping area, and they can spend an exciting evening outside!

Make a Den

Got lots of spare cardboard boxes, sheets and tape laying around? Bring a pile into the garden and build a den from them! Alternatively, you could also find somewhere with lots of fallen branches and create something using string. It’ll be creative and fun, with some problem solving involved too, making it a great outdoor activity to do as a family.

Go Geocaching

Like the sound of a treasure hunt? Then geocaching could be the answer. Using GPS, players can search for containers hidden all over the world, and chances are there’ll be one right nearby you! It’s easy to get started, all you need to do is download the mobile up and sign up so you can log that you’ve visited.

Climbing Trees

Climbing trees is a classic outdoor activity for kids that never gets old. Apart from being loads of fun, it’s a great way for kids to learn to take calculated risks. So, stick on some old clothes and sturdy shoes and head off to your local park/forest to see who can climb the highest (of course, don’t let them go too high – safety first).

Half Term Olympics

With the Olympics & Paralympics upon us this year, you could invite some friends along to the park and organise a mini Olympics of your own! You could set up running races, three-legged races and even egg and spoon. Or if that sounds too hard, arrange five-a-side football with jumpers for goals. Throw in some cheap medals for the winners and cut oranges for half time, and you’ve got half term activities they’ll still be talking about when they return to school.

Visit Your Local National Trust Property

If you want to make a day of things, The National Trust has been doing more and more for kids in recent times and many of their properties are advertising exciting things to do, especially during October half term. From spooky Halloween storytelling to nature-inspired craft activities there’s bound to be kids’ half term activities at an NT property near you.

Penny Hiking

If you’re looking for free things to do with kids in half term in a town or city, why not try a penny hike? Borrowed from the scouts, this is a great way to get out and about and do some exercise. The rules are simple. Every time you come to a junction you toss a coin to decide which way to go. You’ll be amazed at where you end up. Why not split into two teams and see who can go the furthest?

Go Hiking

If the worst happens and it rains all week, why not get out there and embrace it anyway? Get the kids’ wet weather gear sorted and go on a hike. With kids' wellies and kids' waterproof jackets, they might even enjoy a bracing walk in the wind and rain. And at least it will get rid of some of that pent up energy and give you the excuse for a nice big hot chocolate when you get home.

We also have a guide with some tips and tricks for hiking with kids, so definitely check that out to help make the most of it!

rg_uk-Blog - Author - Regatta Great Outdoors

Regatta Great Outdoors

Publish Date: 02/09/2024