Refund Status

You will receive your refund within 14 days of the returned item being collected by the courier. If you have posted the item back to us, you will be refunded within 14 days of the parcel being received back at our warehouse.

We will email you once your refund has been processed. If you have not received your refund after 14 days of returning your item, please contact us using the button below.

Store Purchases

You can return or exchange unwanted items up to 30 days after purchase. If bought from one of our Regatta high-street stores, it can be returned to any of our other high-street locations.

For items bought at one of our third party retailers or concession, such as garden centres, please return the place of purchase.

Please note that our warehouse we can only accept the direct return of orders placed on this website.

Return FAQs

You can arrange a convenient Evri ParcelShop drop-off for £3.80 or home collection for £4.15. Please click here and follow the instructions.

For orders paid for with a credit/debit card or Apple/Google Pay, your card will not be charged for the cancelled item and any pending funds released within 10 working days.

If paying by PayPal, a refund will be processed for the cancelled item within 48 hours.

For Klarna payments, your Klarna account will be adjusted to reflect the cancelled item within 5 working days.

If your item was discounted using a promo code, you will be refunded the price paid after discount for that specific product.

You will receive your refund within 14 days of the returned item being collected by the courier. If you have posted the item back to us, you will be refunded within 14 days of the parcel being received back at our warehouse. We will email you once your refund has been processed. If you have not received your refund after 14 days of returning your item, please contact us.

During busy periods certain items might sell out before our systems have caught up. If this has happened, we will notify you of any cancellations within 3 working days of placing your order.

For orders paid for with a credit/debit card, your card will not be charged for the cancelled item and any pending funds released within 10 working days.

If paying by PayPal, a refund will be processed for the cancelled item within 48 hours.

For Klarna payments, your Klarna account will be adjusted to reflect the cancelled item within 5 working days.